Rotary attachment for CO2 Laser Cutter

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Regular price R 2,799.95 incl. VAT

Rotary attachment for Cron CO2 laser. This attachment increases the functionality of the Cron CO2 laser cutter to be able to cut/engrave round objects. This attachment can be adjusted to fit a wide variety of round objects. This attachment comes with a NEMA 17 stepper motor to rotate the object.

The Rotary Axis works by replacing the Y axis on the laser cutter with the rotary attachment. This is done by unplugging the Y motor cables and plug in the Rotary motor cables. In order for the rotary axis to work correctly the rotary setup needs to be done in the software, if this is not done correctly it will not cut accurately.

Please note: This rotary attachement does not fit on the Cron 3020 and Cron 4040 laser, because the bed of the laser cannot move down far enough to make space for the rotary attachment.

For Ruida Controllers:

  • Steps per rotation - 12800
  • Roller Diameter - 24.3 mm
  • Object Diameter - The diameter of the object you want to cut

For M2 Controllers:

Y axis scale factor - This is the scale factor applied to the y-axis inputs to adjust the output for use on a rotary device.

Since you will need to plug the rotary axis into the Y-axis motor driver. You will likely need to change the scale factor so that the Y-Axis moves the correct amount when rotating the rotary axis. The needed scale factor can be determined by engraving a vertical line 1 cm long then measuring the length of the engraved line. You divide the input length by the actual engraved length around the circular object to get the scale factor.

(Input length)/(Engraved length) = Needed Scale Factor
Make sure the scale factor is set to 1.0 before performing the test described above.