PWM to Voltage Converter, 0-10V Output

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Regular price R 179.95 incl. VAT

PWM to voltage converter to be used as an interface between a CNC controller and a VFD or a PLC and a motor driver. This converter takes a PWM signal and converts it to an analog voltage signal.

The potentiometer on the board can be used to trim the output voltage of the analog signal. The best way to calibrate this, is to set the PWM signal to 50% duty cycle, then use a multimeter and measure the between the VOUT and GND pins. Adjust the potentiometer till the analog voltage is 5.00V.

The jumper on the board is used to adjust the input voltage of the PWM signal. When the jumper is connected to R2 (furthest from the edge of the board) then the peak voltage of the PWM signal is 4.5 - 10V (this is meant for conventional controller cards like MACH3). When the jumper is connected to R1 (closest to the edge of the board), then the peak voltage of the PWM signal is 12 - 24V (this is meant for conventional PLC interfaces).


  • Power supply: 12-30V DC (Connect to VCC & GND pins)
  • PWM input frequency: 1kHz - 3kHz (Connect to PWM & GND pins)
  • Analog Voltage output: 0 - 10V DC (Connect to VOUT & GND pins)
  • Board size: 33 x 31mm
  • Tollerance: 5%