Creality K2 Plus 3D Printer

In stock - 8 items available
Regular price R 31,999.95 incl. VAT
Regular price Sale R 33,999.95 Sale price R 31,999.95 incl. VAT

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The Creality K2 Plus is the upgraded model from the K1C 3D Printer.  It has a bigger build volume, upgraded stepper motors, upgraded extruder with filament cutter, bed levelling via stain gauge sensor, actively heated build chamber and dual camera system over the K1 range.  It is also compatible with the Creality Filament System (CFS) which is a multi material system capable of expanding up to 16 filaments for multi colour printing.  The CFS is not included with this product.

The Creality Print slicing software has also been upgraded to version 5.0 as well as the firmware on the printer to showcase an easy to use user interface.