Bowden Extruder for 1.75 filament, Aluminium

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Regular price R 269.95 incl. VAT
Regular price Sale R 449.95 Sale price R 269.95 incl. VAT

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The Aluminium Bowden Extruder is a sturdy high quality extruder designed for a NEMA 17 stepper motor (the stepper motor is not included). A Bowden extruder is mounted on the frame of the printer and the filament is guided with a PTFE tube to the hot end. The advantage of this design is that the weight of the printing head is a lot less than with the conventional desgin were the extruder is directly above the hot end. The down side is that it is not possible to print with flexible filaments.

Required to operate:

  • NEMA 17 x 48mm, 1.8Deg/Step Stepper motor with holding torque.
  • 4mm PTFE tubing
  • Performance Specifications:
  • Works with 1.75mm filament
  • Suitable for ABS, PLA, Nylon, T-Glase, Wood filament, PVA and PC filament. Not suitable for flexible filament.
  • Adjustable spring preload on filament
  • Manufactured from aluminium for sturdy structure
  • Direct drive extruder, no parts or gears that wear out over time
  • Please note: This kit does not include a stepper motor and PTFE tubing which will be required for operation.